Never again!

Now this is a message for Google. You are messing with my campaign. Not letting it through.

Probably because you have some kind of deal with the PET, the local secret service here in Denmark.

Now Google were made by some Jews.

I just want you to know who it is you are dealing with in this instance.

This PET, that you are prioritizing over me, another Jew, has been the direct cause of the 7th October.

THEY are the ones who have been the cause of people who got killed and maimed and raped. Just to do EXACTLY the work you are doing now, decidedly putting down a Jew.

They did it, and they have NEVER felt an ounce of remorse.

So why is it, that you are prioritizing these nazi scumbags over me?

Don’t you know someone who were murdered in that rave party? Someone’s sister?

Why are you helping those who did this to just a bunch of happy campers, why?

G-d bless the retribution that is to payed to these Nazi scumbag police enforcer. NEVER AGAIN!

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