Next year in Jerusalem

All right, it’s a new year, and new priorities.

First of all, thanks all those readers on the blog, the entrepreneurs, the politicians, the artists, the people of cloth.

I know that also this year was a year full of conflict and, honestly, scandals.

None mentioned, none to blame.

One of the things I however have realized, is the fact that I have to appreciate the ones who are willing to meet me.

Out of all the readers. A lot prefer an indirect connection. This is fair enough, yet REAL connection means face to face.

Only the Jews have really invited me in, met with me and this has bloomed into an amazing friendship and support.

So, just to be honest about it, next year I will prioritize those who actually are willing to meet me.

It has been amazing, when the rabbis have been here, and honestly I really hope that more of my readers are interested in meeting IRL.

So here is to REAL meetings, cups of coffee, and exchange. I have my own coffee machine it makes good coffee.

Like the lady of the film Matrix, the oracle. This place of mine is a temple, and you are all invited.

It also means, that I am cutting down on Facebook, it has been pretty exhausting lately, and has developed into something weird.

I need to get back to the reality. As much as this blog is also a part of the matrix, if you get what I am saying.

Anyway, happy 2025. Next year in Jerusalem.

G-d bless the will to be a good friend in the real life.

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