
Ok, so now mr. Elon Musk is fighting the ADL and see most Jews as enemies. Ok, who did actually help the white farmers in South Africa? Was it the nazis or the Jews? To me, having tried to give a helping hand to the Suidlanders, and actually succeeding in bringing their plight to the fore, is a little strange to hear that Jews are against South Africans.

Elon, listen. When you go from being the poster boy of the left, to the villain, it brings a lot of hurt. I know it from my own life, I have been trough that process, many times actually.

When I started out as a dancer in Copenhagen, I were the poster boy of multiculturalism. Then when I did my criticism, I was the villain. Then I started working with Barack, and now Joe, and I am the hero again.

Lately, some of the current government is angry at me, for G-d knows what reason, then I am the villain.

Being at the Center of the political stage is like that, sometimes you the hero, sometimes you are the villain.

What is important though, is not to loose the perspective. Why are you doing these things, and most important how long can you go?

These days, my ability to work in the political sphere is, more or less, restricted to environmental issues. Because there is a political movement against me.

If I do not respect that, the conflicts get worse, and in the end, everybody are angry at each other.

That is human nature.

So I accept the limits, because I actually do not want to impose my view of things on the world. My aim is to make a better, more happy world.

I will give you a tip, I learned from a beautiful lady here in Denmark.

When I stuck my nose into some of the most dangerous issues here in Denmark. Things like child abductions and so on.

This beautiful lady was a helper of these families who had lost their children.

Her advise was to smile, and be positive.

I mean, you have had a rough time, it has been difficult. But no one has ever threatened your children.

In a situation like that, how can you ever smile?

But deflating the conflict, not jumping on the ride is a vital skill, if you are at the centre stage of political development.

You need to tackle the accusations and the political difficulties with a diplomatic skill.

Not involving in all these issues, is important.

The advertisers will come back, if you learn to smile at alll the accusations, and be nice.

I have always worked for peace, and this is a disarming stance.

Go for peace in a nonviolent way.

G-d bless the will to find reconciliation in a difficult world.

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