Peace in Gaza

All right, finally we have come to a realistic point in the war, where we are actually able to carve out a organizational structure in Gaza. The day after scenario. It is really quite simple. It comes down to power of Hamas to reach Israel with bombs and rockets.

If you hinder that, then the goal of the war has been reached, which is to protect Israel.

So, we have to figure out a way to do that.

First of all, there are many players, too many players. We have to reduce the players to a limited number.

Secondly, we need a specific plan for the power distribution. Who will wield PHYSICAL power in Gaza. Some neutral part, which is Saudi Arabia, could be a power in Gaza. Maybe someone Saudi Arabia hires to do the job.

Thirdly, a massive surveillance operation needs to be planned from the beginning.

Fourthly, we need mandate to Israel to initiate hostilities, if conditions are not met.

Fifthly, we need a regionwide peace process in the tail of the deal.

That, and some extras would do it.

G-d bless the will to find peace.

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