Positive development

One of the things, that I have philosophised a lot over the last year, is why everything just went fine when I worked on Rubicon before the TV station and is working totally fine now when I have left the tv station and is back at Rubicon.

I mean, everything just seems to work. We are actually getting closer to a deal with Hamas, the development of the EU is in a good course, my relationship to Leonor seems to promise a lot of progress as well.

Why is it, that when I do tv, everything just seems to go side ways, but blogging is just perfectly fine.

Basically I think it is about the maturity of the new media. There has been a lot of problems with the internet from the start. At one hand it has really given mankind an unrivaled access toinformation, but at the other hand, things also seems to get really out of hand sometimes.

My generation, the bloggers had a phase some years ago, where things really went sideways, but I was helped a lot by Barack Obama, and we really went and did a lot of Change.

In a sense I matured with the work, that I did for Barack.

The YouTubers are still not really mature yet, they are still very rebellious and do not try to see things from the perspective of the administrators, so there are these difficult confrontations.

But when I work WITH the power, things are actually really positive.

I hope, that this can work also in the future, and the new media, both blogging as well as tv and YouTube can find a more constructive role.

Off cause we need to keep our integrity, we should not sell out of your values, but being a kind and positive part of the world is not a bad thing.

G-d bless the will to find reconciliation and a positive path for the world.

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