Progress in Europe

Well, there seems to be an appetite for dialogue across the European Union. The peoples of the European Union wants to be heard. So, at least to the aim of revitalizing the EU as a political project that is a good thing, we need to do some dialogue.

We have to be a little careful though, it has to be a very controlled development. These things have to be done in a very respectful and responsible manner.

We have to touch base with the leading lights of Europe, hear all the other philosophers out. What are their inputs, and we also need to hear the politicians on their input.

We can make a Trier style reform in terms of economical development, as Barack, Joe and I have done in the US. But we have to think it through.

There are a number of amazing thinkers in Europe, and we need to get their input.

Also, we need to build on the success we have already.

I have been instrumental in a blazing endeavor within green energy, a process that may just end up making Europe energy independant.

We can build on that, and spread the investment into the car industry. Right now German car industry is tanking due to my good friend mr. Musks brilliance.

But, I have a few tricks up in my sleeve, and I will be happily competing a bit with Elon, with FULL respect for our long internet friendship.

One thing you have to figure out, is to make a USER FRIENDLY car system.

Right now the Tesla is an electric car, but to be honest, the electric part is what drags the car down, what drags it up, is the USER FRIENDLY IT system that runs the car.

German car industry should stop looking at the electric part of the equation, and start looking at making, and I repeat for those who haven’t gotten the message USER FRIENDLY system in their cars.

BMW, VW and the other car producers should build on their own strengths, but we need to do some catch up in the computer area.

Get some of the best it guys from silicon valley and start doing the work.

And, and this is a possibility for the EU, we need to invest on IT.

G-d bless the will to boost European democracy and economical progress. G-d bless the peace we will find at the end of this, with all our neighbors.

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