So, my debate on the mix that the system of law is doing of politics into the law system seems to have made its way into the American election. Robert F. Kennedy jr. is taking about Snowden, and I guess that Trump is pretty keen on getting the system to respect his candidacy.
I hope that Ms. Harris is also open to a discussion in the health of the public law system.
When the police starts to mix law enforcement and political aims, things unravel. The citizens loose faith in the system and new ideas are hard to present to the public. Because the police are all over the censorship of the new ideas.
If we are ambitious on the health of our humanistic democracies, this has to be turned around.
The citizens should rest in the faith that the police and prosecutors work for the little guy, to protect the weak, not put up barriers for new ideas and serious journalism.
When I got my tv station closed, it was just after I published a documentary on some of the problems we have with people who have their children taken by the system. It is not working, and parents loose their connection to their children, it is heart wrenching.
Instead of supporting this criticism, the government closed the tv station with a lame excuse.
So this is what we journalists have as realities, something I honestly think is a wrong direction of our societies.
Journalism is there to support the weak, and parents that loose their children to an often cynical system, are weak.
To stop this criticism because it made too much fuss, is not in the interest of the citizens, and they are rightfully angry about it.
So maybe some of the humanistic democrats out there will try to support a development, where criticism of the state and bad things in the state is not put down, but supported.
G-d bless the will to protect the weakest of our society.