Refining our goals

The basic danger of the current war, is the danger of loosing sight of what we are doing.

A fight can end up being an end in itself.

Right now we are fighting in Gaza, and there is a storm brewing with Hezbollah.

Yet, why? Why do we do it?

We do it, to get the hostages home. Yet, this goal seems to get further and further away, as we fight. We could just finish the war, make a cease fire, and get the hostages home. So there are other alternatives.

This again will mean, that we have to accept that Hamas gets to survive in some form.

But what is it we want to make happen to Hamas. Hamas is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood, that is not disappearing any time soon. It is still too dug in in Egypt, and is a world spanning movement.

So, where does Hamas start and where does it end?

The basic problems here seems to me, that we have set too simple goals in a sense.

Getting the hostages back is off cause a viable and ultimate goal we all agree upon, but destroying Hamas. It sounds simple, but the fact of the matter is, that it is not simple.

Getting Hamas out of Gaza is more applicable. That we could do, but would that even make sense? Just because Hamas is removed from Gaza, does not mean that Gaza will be peaceful.

There has been a number of movements in Gaza that was not Hamas, and they were all dreaming of the destruction of Israel.

So what we SHOULD do, is REASSESS our goals. Discuss them, and then act on a more refined, realistic set of goals.

G-d bless the will to finally find peace.

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