Sacrificing a business for the PET

You know, if there is a way to find peace. I will do it, I have spread peace all over the world, and I will continue to do so.

But, if someone puts their gun on my temple, and threatens to blow my head off, as Google is doing right now. I will fight for my life, and my freedom.

I am just warning you guys, if you want to fight, you do know that you are also fighting for your life. In the sense, that I will take Google apart, put in hundreds of rules and regulations and end YOUR business, as you are threatening MY BUSINESS.

That is only fair, we will duel, and we will see who wins.

It’s just I can always make another business, you can probably also. But do you want to sacrifice your business to support those Nazi scumbags, seriously?

G-d bless the will to fight for your corner.

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