Syrian constitution

I think, that the Syrian power should get going with the constitution. Start figuring out what you want, so that the citizens of Syria can see, that something is happening.

Both the EU and the US under Biden are supporting and the Arab states in general are open for a good constitution.

If we make constitution that is truly in balance, so that Syria can become a stable and sound country, this will be good for all of the Middle East.

I would actually like to be involved if anyone would sponsor a project in that direction; hint the EU.

But it should off cause be done with utmost respect for all the citizens of Syria.

It is possible, so it would be preferable to Syria turning in to a hell divided across ethnic lines without any real state.

A state makes sure that there is a frame around the citizens of the country. Make sure that there is running water and educational facilities.

To the betterment of all.

Democracy is, honestly the best system among all the systems. I believe that there should also be a king in the mix, to make sure, that ethics is cared for as well. But that seems a bit unrealistic right now.

Anyway, get on with it, make a committee, invite all ethnic groups, and get cracking.

G-d bless the will to do good, have good intentions, and act good. May Syria be a healthy and sound state for all to prosper.

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