The Democratic party

Barack I know you are kind of working on a new course for the Democratic party, and that I have been kind of absent because of my romance with the princess of Asturias.

But, I am still here, and I am also thinking about how to continue.

First of all, don’t control too much. Let there be a lot more democracy in the party. Let people discuss and debate. We have four years, and a good leadership process is to pick up the ideas that are in the party, add some of our own.

Good leader are strong and independent. They often tend to rebel against the old guard. So this is difficult. When we see some good candidates. My advise would be to try and connect with them and see if we can make some rapport.

But, just for the record. I am here man, I know that these women folks can sometimes put space between friends. But not us, we go too far back.

So, please inform me on your ideas, and I will shoot the ball back.

Just one thing, we need a talented speaker. Someone who can work the crowd as you and Michelle. Someone with a lot of experience and class. A clean guy or girl.

Someone like you.

G-d bless the continuation of friendship.

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