The discussion on the EU

There is no discussion on the power play between the federal level and the national level right now en the EU parliament. Yes, I get it, there are other discussions that count, these discussions are very important, I have contributed to a lot of them.

But maybe, we should ADD the discussion on the power distribution as well. This is what the strengthened conservative parliament wants to discuss. And to be honest, that is fair, because they have won a ticket to do that by the citizens of Europe.

So, we should maybe start the discussion now, so that we do not end up in a lot arguing and disagreement.

It is essentially fair enough, that the nations of Europe want clearer demarcations between the federal and the national level.

The issue is; how do we actually tackle the issue, without starting to argue about it. We should find a compromise, and make the EU stronger in that way. If we find a compromise, the legality and acceptance of the EU will solidify, and we can stop the discussion on whether we want a EU or not, and more of; where do the system really make sense?

Chaques Chirac, that made the last great revision of the EU was a genius, taking the debate of the time, and trying to make both af liberal as well as a conservative compromise in his time.

This is an ideal we can strive for, and do the same in our time.

G-d bless the will to find new, and stronger understandings of what the EU can be.

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