The EU

Ok, I just want you to be a little realistic about the scope of the power of the EU.

There is very little power. There is no army. You just ditched the most promising attempt there has ever been, because of some minor disagreement. So there will not be an army.

Add to this, there will soon be a dangerous president (seen from a European perspective). (I have personally nothing against Trump or any other Americans). But Trump has absolutely no respect for the European Union. Essentially the only person he had any amount of respect for in the EU is my humble person.

So he will probably make some kind of deal with Mr. Putin, so he can focus on China.

So what is it, that you are trying to accomplish, and why on earth are you aleniating the sole person that actually gives you an edge in the international game.

It’s mind boggling in its scope of weird.

So send me another bill, just to underscore, that you don’t like me. Just know, that with this you are objectively reducing your chance at playing any kind of role in the Ukraine war, significantly.

G-d bless the will to reduce the risk of the third world war. May we finally reach some kind of normal reason.

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