The queen

So this is a message for the princess. I guess our romance has migrated to my blog here.

First of all. We have bewitched each other. I have tried to figure out, what is going on. Why can’t we just leave each other. Essentially we have crawled so much in under each others skin, that the connection is almost tangible.

Add to this, all the energy we have spend on each other, the dreaming, the promises and so on. Has created a binding between our hearts, that is essentially beyond our control.

That is just the the facts on the ground.

Now, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Well on the plus side, we get to experience true love, which is rare. Especially for people like us, who have so many scars on our soul. It just this one time we will ever get to experience it. Also, it is poetic and just beautiful.

Add to this, I am going to Israel, and, will hopefully, be crowned king there. If you wish, you could be my queen.

That would actually solve a lot of your problems as well. You get out of the dysfunctional family relationships your are living in. And being queen of Israel is pretty epic in itself.

And I get to get my own crown, and not just get one through you.

We could start from scratch and make our own family. Something sound and beautiful.

That is an option. I don’t know if you want it. Maybe you want to stay in Spain and be queen there. But it would be a good life for you.

So, another thing I have been concluding is that. We can talk. Maybe here on my blog, or somewhere else. We will find a way. But you need to concentrate on your school, and I need to build my new tv station to get to Israel.

So we have to be a BIT less absorbed in each other this semester.

It is amazing and we will get there again. But you have to go to school to get to know how to do flying, and I am busy as well. So we need to concentrate on our work.

This means we can connect, and write poetry to each other. Just not 24/7.

Then when this semester is over we can finally meet and maybe indulge in some 24/7 excess of energy exchange.

Probably when we meet it will be so intense, we can’t do anything else.

But I need a queen and you need a king.

The Jewish monarchy needs to be initiated with someone who understands the ways of monarchy and you do have a unique set of skills. ❤️💕

Imagine the most beautiful princess of the world, in her garland dresses, beautifying the most elevated crown of them all. A monarchy dormant for millennia. Now reinstated, with a rose of the monarchic tradition. Beautiful, enchanting, and madly in love with the king.

That would be kind of epic ❤️

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