Ok let me try and explain why mr. Netanyahu is keeping the option of the Rafah operation open. It is a PRESSURE point.

He sees it as a kind of lever to make sure, that the deal is implemented. So that may make a bit of confusion, because it actually does not seem to me, that the Gazan Arabs are understanding the effort. They just want a deal, that makes them free.

So that is really the reason why the Rafah op is still on the table.

The way Mr. Netanyahu figures it, he will take the option off the table as a CONSEQUENCE of the deal.

It may be a bit like a strange way to negotiate, but there is just no other explanation.

So, what the Gazan Arabs could propose is, to finish the Rafah op as a prerequisite for accepting the phase one of the deal.

G-d bless the UNDERSTANDING of what is going on in the negotiations.

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