When we talk about the direction of the European Union, we need to, I think, to understand what it is.
The federal level is, at its best a republic. That republic reflects its citizens. BUT, and this is really the crux of the matter, we need the citizens to have some kind of relation to the Republican congregation.
How do we do that?
We do it by seeking a higher purpose.
Plotinus, the late greek/roman philosopher, believes, that there is an ideal state of being, that is perfect, a higher good, if you may.
What is the higher good of the European Union?
We should ask ourselves this question, and if we manage to answer that question, there may be a path to understanding the very meaning of the European Union. As I understand the Eastern European countries, they are asking themselves that very question. What is the virtues and values of the Union. What do we strive for?
In answering this question we may find a path to a set of amendments, by the people.
G-d bless the will to understand the will of the people.