The Workers

Joe, we are getting there. The key to your success lies in your connection to the workers of America.

It has been pretty obvious to me here in Denmark, and we won with Barack by promising to REBIULD America.

It really warms my heart to see how the workers are taking you in. You are on a track there, very good.

The reason why they are the true key to success is the fact, that they are swing voters.

They are the ones who are truly disgruntled with us, when it comes to borders and so on. I know it is hard to say and know, you know. But that is really where the problem is, and you have to acknowledge the problem to solve it.

The wonderful thing about this is, that they are your background. Working class, proud craftsmen, organizing, standing up for their rights to have time with family as well as just working.

They are amazing, and they are your background, that is not that bad. They are strong and proud.

So listen to what they have to say. I have done that here in Denmark, and they want us to work with the industry owners.

They want to sit, proudly at the end of the table at thanksgiving and be able to say, that they have made it, in the sense, that they have a family around them who are healthy and have a future.


If you talk to your background, you can also reach others, because success rubs off. And when the Americans in general realize, that you have really fought for the workers, they are going to love that part of you.

G-d bless the will to understand who your true audience is, and listen to them. G-d bless the victory we can win.

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