Ok, this is a shout out to Elon Musk, well done Elon. You have, kind of, put your ship right.
The fact that things are calming down, is a good sign.
When you enter into politics, as you have, it’s a hard game, and you have to be really careful. You get friends and foes, and that’s ok. You just have to pick those with care.
Concerning Twitter or X, my advice would be, to be careful here as well.
Politics is, compared to entrepreneurship a careful process. You have to listen to everybody, while as in entrepreneurship, you have to use your will to push your product.
So, the dynamics are very different.
It seems to me, that you are trying, slowly to push the boundaries for free speech.
Again, that’s really perfect, but be very careful.
You have to pick your fights.
Right now, I have picked the Middle East fight, because I hope, that I can contribute with something positive and good. I am a jew, so off cause Israel is extremely important to me.
The Ukraine conflict is so poisonous. So I am hesitant to involve myself in that.
To be honest, I think it wouldn’t make much of a difference, if I entered into that conflict.
So I focus on where my advice, realistically, can make a difference.
So I am careful what I do.
That is very important in politics, to pick the causes that you can see, that there is a good chance, that your involvement can be of service.
At the end of the day. Politics is a humbling thing. You can only succeed, if serve the causes you fight for.
You have to put your own ego aside, and help where you can.
G-d bless the will to do good in this world, and give hope.