Tradition and renewal

All right, so there is a kind of a conflict within the British royal family. Her majesty princess Anne feels that a lot of the martial traditions of the British royal house is having less of a priority. In the actual case it is about the upkeep of the royal equestrian training facilities.

The deeper conflict being, that as her majesty princess Katherine is having a lot of success with her part of the royal household, that is to upkeep the traditions of romance and fairytale. The military traditions, that her majesty princess Anne is very engaged in, has less of focus.

I must say, that in this case I really support her majesty princess Anne, because the martial traditions of the royal family is THE institutional support that the royal has left. It is only the military that is stil 100% percent pro the royal house. Keeping the military engaged in the royal house is extremely important.

However, this has very little to do with her majesty princess Katherine, she is just doing her part of the job of the royals, which is to give life to the romantic part of the royal family. I part that is just as important as the martial part.

It is like my new position as kind of a part of the Spanish Crown. I fight, and I fight for my people, that is the Jews. It is military, and military is death, gore and destruction.

The princess needs to understand this reality, and what it requires of a king. The valor, the iron will, the anger, the destruction you have to face.

The ability to be like Marlborough, the forefather of sir Winston Churchill. He fought from the front, like Alexander the Great.

A good king, needs to be able to fight from the front.

I do that, I risk my life, for the future of Jewry in Europe. The sliding of the government institutions into antisemitism needs to be stopped.

The princess needs to see this reality of being a royalty.

Fighting from the front.

So I think my advise would be, to SUPPORT her majesty princess Anne in her dedication to the martial traditions of the crown, and at the same time. Still support her majesty princess Katherine. They are actually both upholding some VERY valuable part of the royal house. Actually princess Anne is the most important in fact for her support of the military traditions, due to the close connection between the royal house and the defense.

G-d bless the will to find balance between the different traditions of the royal household. May the British monarchy be strengthened.

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