True love

So, the fling with the Princess is over. At least for now.

When you experience true love, as we did. There are a lot of things that occur. The main battle being around ethics. The faithfulness, the loyalty, the support from outside.

We had very little support from anyone, and had to fend for ourselves. In this situation, we just didn’t have the resources to make it.

I guess, that is a point, there is an ethical/material part of love that you just have to be realistic about.

We got very far, and I must say, that the process was extremely exhausting, yet also very, very, very beautiful.

If we had had just a bit more support and luck, we would have made it.

True love opens your soul up like a morning flower. It reveals all your scars and old wounds to heal.

It comes down to your willingness to open up, yet also your feelings.

So, there is that.

Yet now, my focus will be on Israel and the battles around Israel. Because I guess, that is where I am needed the most right now.

And remember, divided we fall, united we stand.

G-d bless the will to always be open for true love, and may we all heal.

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