They say that true love conquers all. Does it, and how does it work.
We are all broken, none of us are 100% healthy, that is just life.
It is here I think true love has a role to play. Because it changes us, it changes us into better persons. Because true love will only work, if you step up, and do your very best.
Along the way, there are many hurdles, mostly this is our inner demons that try to fight our salvation and the purity that we are striving for. You have to be ready to meet your demons and slay them.
We all carry demons, to some extent, true love is the most pristine gift from the angels. They give it to us, as a precious motor in our lives. But often the fights we have with our inner demons, will challenge our dreams and true love strivings. That is just how it is, we bump into the demons, and have to face them.
In this the strength of the love bond is what carries the day, I think.
These days men are brought up with a lot of fight against the woman. We had feminism, now we men fight back. True love and romance is a third option. An option that will accept the equality of gender, and yet make something else.
It’s a gift, and if we recognize this gift for what it is, it will make us into better persons, because that is what true love does.
G-d bless the will to understand the ways of true love, may we all prevail.