What now?

Well, the thing is, that what we are up against in this war, is not just the physical fight, it is more the moral fight.

Potentially this will lead to a kingdom og Jerusalem, and we all kind of have a hard time wrapping our heads around that.

Let me try, and shed a bit of light over that subject.

First of all, being chosen by g-d does not mean, that you do not have say in that choosing. For me, I could just step away, don’t bother, do my life. To be honest, my life is heading in a positive direction. I am probably going to do SOME production in Easter Europe, to support the Democratic development. I am also going to work in forest issues, making green change.

That is really all I care for, it will be a good life.

But then, as we have just seen, I am intrically bonded to Israel and the Jewish people. When I fall, Israel falls with me.

Why? Because in the eyes of everybody else, this is my role.

So I could bail, but just imagine the fall out. It would, potentially, mean the end of Israel. And if I get in there and do my job, we win, we are united and strong.


It is not as if I get a lot of money or anything else from this work. It is a sacrifice. I give you unity and progress, and I expect nothing in return.

So we can talk about it, or whatever. The fact of the matter is, that somehow I ended up here, and I am not going to put lives in danger. I am a Jew myself, my family went through the Holocaust.

If I have opportunity to help that from not happening again, I will.

But, and this I really mean, I am not in it for the money or that fame. It does not matter.

G-d bless the will for Israel to survive.

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