
To be persecuted, as I am, is something that a lot of journalists and influencers experience. The constant harassment by the political police, the arbitrary jailings and so on.

In a supposedly civilized country as Denmark that is supposed to be the good guys, pro humanistic, democratic, it brings a special sour taste in the mouth. If Denmark can’t do it, who can?

But what to do about it? I think, that a good place to start is awareness. Tell your story as a journalist. Let the world know your troubles.

Share the pain and the worry and the sadness of seeing your life just get worse and worse due to the relentless persecution.

Share the plight of others too. I have decided to enter some kind of an organization that supports persecuted humanists as myself. To both get support, and also give support.

There are many others in my situation. People who are relentlessly persecuted by a corrupted state. They need my help. I have a blog, and though the police do their best to shut me down. I still have this opportunity to release my stories.

Do the same, if you are in my situation. If you read this and is persecuted. Don’t hesitate to reach out. If you dare to talk, is a beacon of light, and I will share that light, if you need it.

G-d bless the will to share stories of those who are at the mean end of a corrupted police state. May we all prevail in the name of democracy.

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