Thanks to the Spaniards

This is just a shout out to the royal family of Spain. As you have probably found out, Leonor and I have broken up.

Yet, you know, after a breakup, the road to a mutual respectful relationship is not easy. She will probably get extremely mad at me within a few days.

Anyway, we tried and failed, it is just the way it is.

Apart from that, I off cause still support the royal spanish house. We have become friends, for whatever that matters.

The brits usually invite me to Oxford to do some scientific debate on different scholarly as well as political matters related to the different churches of the British empire. It’s a lot of fun and honestly very inspiring.

You can do the same with Spain, if you want. Just remember, that due to the persecution of the Danish police, my economy sucks. So online is preferable, if possible.

But I mean the Spanish empire is as important as the British, and I would love to support and be a part of that debate, politically as well as spiritually.

We will see what happens in the future, but right now. Leonor and I REALLY need a break. Things are not going well, and due to my precarious situation in Denmark. I HAVE to be serious about my personal life and priorities. A Facebook dating relationship is not serious, sorry.

Anyway, no hard feelings from my angle, we will meet again, and please reach out if you want support in conservative matters of theory and practice.

G-d bless the future of the Spanish monarchy, may it prevail.

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