I have often discussed with myself, what it is with Change?
Why has Change been such a success. Change being defined by the slow evolution of political matters, so that it makes a better world, without making anyone angry and avoiding the conflicts.
I think it is because, wisdom is a tool to make peace.
Take the deal that mr. Netanyahu is making in Gaza right now. It is wise. I truly think, that it takes into consideration all of the political players in the region, and secures the long term security of Israel. Well done mr. Netanyahu.
With that no-one is really angry or trying to make more conflict.
It is a compromise, and all those who are in the compromise realize, that they can’t get everything through, but are ok with getting a part of their demands.
So, problem is met with a compromise that all can accept.
We have a wise solution to the problem, and we can worry about other things.
This is not to say, that the conflict is over. But we managed to find compromise on the aftermath of the Gaza war already, that is very, very promising for the peace in the long run.
G-d bless the Change we find, and may we make it the way we do things. G-d bless Barack Obama, and his legacy.