
Ok, Joe, as I thought, Mr. Trump has opened up with his first barrage.

He calls you old, oppressive and a lot of other things.

This is my experience with these things.

First of all, you need to respond. But you need to respond in a way, that highlights your own qualities.

People see you as weak, you are not. You are strong, so people need to listen to that, see it for themselves.

My best advice would also be to strengthen the REAL results you have made in your term.

You have made America great again. I know it sounds like a trope. But everywhere in the world, people respect the US.

So that would be reversed if Trump came back. It is a hard truth, but that is as it is.

So highlight your own achievements; International respect all over the world, a steady hand on the wheel, progress in all areas.

This fight is already dirty, and we need to respond to it, in a manner, that will elevate us, and not make us look bad.

G-d bless the will to be strong in the face of adversity.

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