
Well when we talk about economy, or rather state economy, there are a lot of answers to the question; how do we create jobs and money for the country.

At the heart of question lies the answer, that it is made by two general factors. First it is about the workethics of the citizens. They can be either hardworking or lazy. The Chinese are, traditionally, very hardworking due to the philosophy of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, combined with a rigorous school system that really brings out the best in people, and makes sure that talent rise to prominent positions of the societies. Something we could learn from in the West, where talent are often persecuted and put down.

In the North we have, traditionally, worked based on the work ethics of Luther, that were a munk before he became the changer of the Northern societies. This is still the back bone of northern business ethos.

Secondly it is about the ease of innovation. How may we do new ideas. This requires a good support of innovation, new business ideas and so on. Something the US is really good at with all their business angels and general freedom of business.

So that is the base.

On top of this, there are a number of manipulations you can do to FOSTER the attitude of production. You can make it more easy to innovate, and you can give those who are effective and successful some kind of recognition.

The last is the base of what Mr. Biden does right now. He calls it Bidennomics, which is unfair, it should be called Asgernomics. But that is all ok.

So Asgernomics is to recognize patriotic production. It works. It is behind the rise of American production.

We however have to compete with China, that has its own set of strengths, that they are all alleviating quite successful.

G-d bless the will to make a more prosperous France, UK and US.

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