Realistic goals

Ok these are the two REAL goals, that we are working on.

1. Get the hostages home
2. Make sure, that Gaza is not a threat to the Israeli civilians anymore.

Hamas is just one organizations out of many in Gaza, so targeting them solely, does not make much sense, if we want to make sure the 7’october does not happen again. It’s because Hamas is just a current manifestation of the proxy war we are fighting. There will be other manifestations, if we do not make sure, that we stop the ABILITY of Gazan Arabs to hurt Israelis.

So if we broaden the aims to incorporate ALL of Gazans, then we will make sure, that in the future we will be safe.

The hows and whys is probably up to a new government, since the current government is really tied to the current aims.

But a new government can set new goals, that are essentially much more future proof.

G-d bless the will to make sure, that 7’th of October does not happen again, and may we have peace, with internal respect.

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