Princess, good morning.
I hope you feel ok again. For me, the distance is really difficult as well. I just wish we could communicate in a more solid way.
The misunderstandings and the lack of a direct way to make an alarm is difficult
Listen I will make you a promise. I can see, that an official recognition of our flirt is something that has consequences for the Spanish throne. That I respect.
So my advise is; let’s just communicate off the light of media.
If this will work, and it will. Then we will make something official, but not until we are sure. Until your dad gives a green light, and we think it appropriate.
We will keep it a secret. What about that?
It breaks my heart ❤️ when you are feeling sad, and I want to support you.
To be honest, it is also about myself. I am also in trouble sometimes, and being able to talk to you, is really helpful.
G-d bless the will to support those you love, and truly respect their situation:)