Focus on the mission

Ok, we are getting to a part of the whole debate and development that requires something that is extremely difficult to muster, when we are all grieving and devastated by the occurrences that has just happened. It brings back memories of past suffering, we thought, now we have Israel, we don’t have to suffer anymore.

That is the reality that hits us. Even though we HAVE a country, it is still not enough to keep us 100 % safe.

But, and this is really important, we have an army, we have not had that for a long time, and that does make a lot of difference.

I can see it from my own perspective here in Denmark, when the hounds come knocking on your door. You need someone to call. There is no one to call here in Denmark. At least you have someone who responds to the call.

But, and this is very important, we are entering a phase, where the diplomatic game is getting into gear.

This is what we need to consider;

This fight is already a part of the international game. That is the fight between east and west. So far, Israel has been able to keep a relatively neutral stance on the Ukraine war. This is not the case anymore, we are the centre of the international fight and rivalry between the East and the West.

Putin has been quite clear on the plans of going into Gaza, he disagrees.

If and when we go in to Gaza, we need to figure out a way, to handle that.

One of the first things I would do, would be to call him, and tell him, that the fight we are going into, is not about conquest, but an attempt at disarming Hamas, so that things like this does not happen again.

At least open diplomatic channels to him, so, that he feels, that we listen to his arguments. We owe him that.

Then, we have to keep up with the diplomatic work with the Arab countries. Egypt just closed its borders to Gaza, what does that mean. We have to know.

And we have to be clear about the RATIONALE behind the Gaza campaign, the why and the how.

Because we have to SELL IT to our allies. They have to buy the arguments, otherwise we will be too hard pressed when we are in the fight, and we risk having to step out in the middle of the mission.

So there is a lot of diplomatic work we have to do, and please. I know that mr. Netanyahu is to blame and all that, but please give him some space, so that he can use his diplomatic connections. He is a friend of mr. Biden mr. Putin and so on. His strengths, lie in these international connections, let him use those strengths, in this dangerous situation.

There will an aftermath, and we will talk about the blame, but right now, we need to focus on the mission.

G-d bless the strength Israel has when it is United.

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