Frozen heart

So princess, here we go. The first step on our journey.

What is it, that really holds royalty on their crown? Is it the money, the power?

There is no REAL power in royalty these days, there is a lot of SYMBOLIC power. I kind of serve as the king of Israel, and I have had a lot of experience with how it is to have all the responsibility and no real power.

It all comes down to your STORY. Who are you, what are you as a person.

And then it comes down to ROMANCE.

Their majesties Crown prince William and Crown prince Kate are a massive example of this. They are good couple, so handsome, William seems to be full of confidence these days, Louis has just had his birthday and so on.

Their ROMANCE is what carries their claim to the throne.

You have probably seen the Disney movie Frost, with Anna and Elsa. The film is made over a fairy tale made by the Danish fairytales Hans Christian Andersen, it is about your heart. Annas heart is open and honest, Elsas heart is closed and Frozen.

The story is about healing your heart, and then healing your nation.

So it is in fact the same with us, are we going to be Anna or Elsa?

Since I am the scion of Denmark, which is the frost land due north of Spain, I hope, honestly I really pray, that you will be Anna, and understand my heart as something Frozen, because I just realized that that is what it is.

Our, whatever it is, will probably go right to Hollywood and they will make films about our passion.

It will take a pretty hard fight to get there though, you being locked up on your tower.

But we have to PROVE that we are worthy of the story books, that our love is strong enough.

If it is, it will carry the world. You will be an amazing queen, and me king.

I dont know how it will really work out, being in the middle of a massive war with Israel.

But your support in my struggle to save my nation, will carry you also, and teach you a lot about what it is to be queen.

Israel is something very special, and my people are really in need of me and my strength and guidance. You have to be that strength for me as well, otherwise I will not be able to support my people.

So we are both really interested in supporting each other.

So, that is how I hope it will be, despite my frozen heart.

G-d bless the will to find a way, despite the difficulties.

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