Making a good friend

Ok, now I am at my nightshift, and I have been thinking about what makes a sound love life.

What is most important is the balance of giving.

People do not give these days, they just take.

But for a good relationship to work, you need to be able to share what you have.

This can be really difficult, because what you share most often than not, you would have liked to keep.

I am not talking about anything specific, but things like your attention, your time, your needs.

When you start to be able to put yourself away, and have interest in others needs and not your own. You start to grow as a person. You become more wholesome and your love relationship grows.

You can’t buy love, you can only give of yourself to someone else.

That what you give, will give in return at other times, making a sound and healthy cycle of give and take.

Do that for some years, and you really have a good friend

G-d bless the will to give more than you take, and make thereby a relationship of surplus.

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