My last stand

Ok, this is just to lay out the PET situation from my own perspective. There is the obvious threat to the Jews of Scandinavia, but there is also my own personal history.

I have been active in peacework, green change and so many other things than islamcritical work for many, many years.

Through all these years the PET has maintained a never-ending war against me. And we have now come to a point, where I, personally, have no other choice but to fight back. They have totally ruined my economy, destroyed my personal life.

They have simply hunted me for so long, that I am finally with my back agains the wall.

So, I don´t really have a choice, I would obviously prefer making peace work in the Middle East, make the EU work and so on.

But due to the constant harassment and barrage against my life and ability to life, they simply put me in a situation, where I have literally no other option than to fight back.

It’s terrible, and I really wish it was different. But that is the lay of the land, I dont have a choice. I went from a normal job and a family, to now being at the edge of economic collapse. All this has been the effect of PET harassment.

So I wish it was different, but that is just the way it is. I prefer going down guns blazing than with a whimper.

So this is me making my last stand. Either I win over the PET, or they get me.

That is just the way, and I am ready to die for my freedom.

G-d bless the will to be free.

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