Ok, this is a request to the American administration, if you could perhaps make a bridge building attempt between the PET and me, in the interest of making a peace deal. I would really grateful.
They are like the usual Jew hating institutions, unwilling to even enter into dialogue. Perhaps if they had some points of debate, it could make them come to the negotiation table.
I would really prefer this to an attack on Danish territory. I will come, if we do not get them to start some kind of serious peaceeffort, and loosing Bornholm over this is perhaps not in the interest of either NATO or the Danish people at large.
We need to get this deal done, fast a possible, so that we can return to the Middle East theatre with an aim at to get to peace.
So, if you will, I would really appreciate it.
Thanks a lot.
G-d bless the will to find peace in Denmark, and may we soon see some action on a peace deal. May we prevail.