The plot thickens

In the ancient times, there was this war between the Macabees and the Greek dominion. The Greek wanted the Jews to conform, and perhaps take some kind of Greek identity. They built a gymnasium and taught Greek idioms.

Ok, the Greek were a very advanced culture, yet why were the Jews supposed to be Greek all of a sudden.

There were internal disagreements, some wanted to conform, some wanted to keep the Jewish ways.

This story is about the resilience of the Jewish spirit, but also a story about the strength of the Jewish G-d.

How come, that a small band of rebels were able to overthrow the Greek yoke? Because they were supported by G-d. It is, when we are supported by Hashem, that we win.

Always align our actions according to the will of the almighty.

Now in my situation, is there any chance that one guy up against the murderous machine of the PET will win?

YES, if G-d and his angels will support me in my fight. Through him will I prevail.

So I will NOT back down. So COME ON, come to the negotiation table. Let’s talk, and see if we can make a deal, don´t be the misers and the stoppers of dialogue. Let’s talk shop. If you will, or maybe you will need a little motivation. That could be by talking to your friends around the Baltic Sea, do you think they are interested in an attack that way. We have seen a submarine roving around, found by Finland. You are PLAYING WITH FIRE. So COME ON, you nazi scum and show your miserable faces. The plot thickens, and you need to move.

G-d bless the will to make Jews live in Scandinavia again.

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