Open legislation

This is really getting complicated. Elon, you have been a friend for a long time. We have had each others back for many years.

Now you are heading a ministry in the part I actually, with little luck, tried to beat in the election.

I have a a lot of responsibility for the democrats.

I have no idea, how to work this out, but I will do my best.

The issue with the current administration is a Byzantine maze of legislation.

There are loophole upon loophole, a lot of power invested in the different legislative branches.

In other words it is intransparant. So the job is to make the legislative branch transparent.

Your greatest challenge here is, that there is a lot of power invested in the legislative body. So you need to be careful not to ruffle everyone’s feathers.

So my advice would be, based on our experience with X. Make a more long winded process, be honest and clear about your intention; to work on a more transparent legislative process.

Give people time to figure out their power issues and then make a simple, reformed body of legislation.

It’s a huge challenge, yet use your experience and make things simpler and more open.

G-d bless the will to make an open legislative body.

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