The Change of today

The world changes, and so the leading lights change as well.

I am a musician, not a very good one, since I have mostly focused on writing. I guess if I had chosen that direction when I was younger I could have been a minor celebrity with music here in Denmark.

I am rambling sorry, my point is. In the 70’ties musicians were the leading lights, especially Mr. John Lennon did a lot of very respected things within the left. Fighting for peace, equality and was VERY vocal on different areas within the music business.

His song “Imagine” is STILL the ethos of the left.

Now, this day and age, the media has changed, and there are therefore new stars and other modes of development.

I am hands down, really tired of only getting anywhere by blogging. I am a philosopher, we are supposed to be heard by our books.

I have very little luck in that department. Yet I still write the books, because books forces you to think through the solutions you propose.

I just have to finish my climate manifesto.

One of the main differences between me and Lennon is in the subject matter. While as he was famous for making music, I am famous for writing.

So this shifts the dynamics to thought and deep philosophical musings. John did write books, but he had a few drawbacks. One of them was, that he didn’t know about the secret service and their methods.

Another was, with respect, that he didn’t REALLY know about the frame around our states and the metaphysical ideas.

So, the 70’ties called for a change in the musical sphere, now it’s in the internet. This calls for Change by philosophy. This again starts to tie into the ideas that are there already. Marx, Hegel, Aristotle, Plato.

This mode, in our time is then quite different from the 70’ties.

This is said with a tremendous respect for John Lennon, he was really cool. I respect him a lot.

It is just an analysis of the difference in each age.

G-d bless the memory of the musician John Lennon.

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