Peace in Israel

It has just been Rosh Hashanah, and I was really lucky to celebrate it with the local Jewish community.

I have thought a lot about it. First of all, in a country like Denmark, there are so few Jews, that the disagreements are truly limited, because there are just too few to disagree.

At the other hand, there are off cause disagreement, it is like that when people of different opinion are in the same room.

But what really strikes me at the celebration was something deeper. We all share the journey TO Israel. The perilous, arduous journey through Sinai, the difficulties on the way.

The point is, when we got there, and started to build the promised land, we were one, but when the daily life started, division started as well.

I for one, have a great respect for the most abundantly religious people of the Jews, to me, they are living examples of integrity and faith in the best core of what it is to be a human being. At the same time, I have the same feeling about the most radical left wing.

One of my Facebookfriends here in Denmark, almost got kicked out of the local communist party, because he helped the poor!

My point is, when you look at the virtues of each party, they are, more or less the same. Care of people, protecting the weak, being a mensch.

Sometimes, especially in times of great disagreement, what we actually agree about, is wise to remember.

We all believe in the sanctity of the human, and that is the core of what it is to be a Jew. The celebration of life over death, of surviving despite absurd odds to the opposite.

That was what it is to be Jew, and that goes for left as well as right.

G-d bless the peace of Israel.

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