Solve the gordic knot

In order for Israel to strengthen its hand in the negotiation. We need new tools to make it possible for a peace treaty to come into existence.

Before the war started, I had a possible idea on as to how to stop the conflicts permanently.

My idea was, that we RELOCATED Gaza Arabs to a place where the low tech war that Gaza’s continue to do is not possible.

It is still, even so long into the war, the best option.

It would in effect end the war without firing a single bullit.

We can find a place, and then start relocating the Gazans. It has to be a good place of cause at the same standard as Gaza used to be.

If we do that, then Hamas may be in the tunnels. But what is the point in holding an empty territory?

We can then make the territory into a territory that is not for Israel but for all three monotheistic religions, as a peace project in itself.

That would solve the gordic knot. And that is what we need to do now.

G-d bless the will to find a solution to the problem.

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