When you are in a process, this process has a trajectory that is the effect of a lot of different parameters.
Like the fight against Iran, we won, no problem. Why? Because in a normal large scale war, we have superior weapons.
So the next time we have a similar conflict chances are, that we will have the same outcome.
If we use this logic on the war on Hamas, what is the most probable outcome of a Rafah op?
This is not to discuss the peacetreaty vs. the op. It is simply stating the obvious, that our problem is not Rafah, it is the parameters we are currently working with in the war.
So, what do you do?
You change the parameters.
Instead of doing a conventional war in a very, very difficult terrain, you do something else.
My idea; to secure a place for the civilians somewhere else, a decent place, would be to tackle the conflict differently.
Now, this may not be the best idea, there are a lot of other ideas. But you have to look critically at what you are doing, when you are at war, to see what you are doing right, and what you are doing wrong. Repeating the job under the same parameters will just get you more of the same.
So, again I am not criticizing anyone, I get it, it is a very difficult discussion. I am just recommending, that we start thinking on our feet, and come up with some novel strategies. We are Jews, we are the best a finding new ideas and rebel against the supposed dogma. Come on, we can do this, let’s think about it. How do we solve this crisis in a way, that will make our objectives more possible to reach.
We can do this, but we need to think out of the box.
G-d bless the will to think out of the box.