Thank you queen Margrete D. II

Well, our beloved queen has abdicated, it is both a day of great sorrow and a day of great joy. Great sorrow, because we REALLY loved the queen, and great joy, because we have a new king.

This is a difficult time at best, to steward the kingdom of Denmark, but they are doing a crack job of it. They are REALLY good, so for me, I hope, that they will be at their best, and I will do my best to support that.

Then, as we have friends all over the world. I know, that there are conflicts between our friends, and they are difficult to overcome, but just know, that we are doing our best to support all of those, who are our friends, in Denmark and around the world.

We hope, that our sincere friendship, will give you an opportunity to feel, that we are here for you, when you need it.

G-d bless the will to be friends in an ever changing world.

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