The European Union

Ok, I have been reflecting a bit on the EU, and here are some of my reflections.

First of all, the European Union needs an identity. It does not have an identity right now. Mr. Jaques Chirac was a brilliant politician, making that balance between right and left in his reforms. But it still does not make an identity.

What is an identity? An identity is the life of an organism. It is the soul of an organisation.

For the individual it is the same, it is the reflection of the soul on the outside.

As a consequence of this insight, what is really the need of the European Union right now? It is to try and formulate what its identity really is.

As I have come in contact with the European Union, my experience is, that it is actually grossly underrated. The help the EU has given me, was from a part of itself, that was good.

What is this part, what is it? It is the humanistic, renaissance part of the EU.

It is the core of goodness, that is in the EU. That is really the identity of the EU.

Democratic humanism. As formulated in many ways.

So that is the vision; to spread the wings of true humanism.

So, that is what I will try to contribute with in my workings with the EU.

I will also work with Green Change, especially reforesting.

But that vision of the EU is much deeper, it goes all the way back to the Dutch Rennaissane, the French Rennaissance, the Danish Renaissance, the Spanish Renaissance and the Italian Renaissance, at least, and then off cause goes to Kant, and further to the great polish thinkers. Not to mention the Habsburgs.

Anyway, finding a way to formulate that identity is really the core work.

G-d bless the will to find a path of beauty and good for the EU.

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