The antisemitic police of Denmark

I think we have to be realistic about the extent of the antisemitism within the police community.

They are not just motivated to keep the debate at a civilized level.

They are, through and through antisemitic.

This we have seen in Holland, and we have seen it in Denmark.

They are still going on with it. It seems to me, that the government are not, at least as it is, ready to fight the rise of antisemitism within the police and the civil servants.

The EU have been trying a little, but they are still not able to shut them up, and turn them away from antisemitism.

I hope, that the PM will join the Jewish side, and start dismantling the police in the areas, where they are openly antisemitic. That is the PET and especially the cybersecurity office. These departments has to be shut down, one way or another.

If not by internal budget cuts, then we will have to find another way.

G-d bless the will to destroy all kinds of antisemitism with the police of Denmark and other places where it is rampant.

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