The sons of darkness

All right. So now it is Yule. This Yule I am not going to call for peace in the north. Yes in the Middle East, but not up here in Denmark.

I am going to call for war.

Yule is an ancient Viking sun festival, the sun dies, and is then reborn in a new year.

We are warriors up here, and the PET is trying to pull our teeth.

The worst came about, as they, willingly, started the 7’th October.

The PET are openly antisemitic, they don’t hide it. And this lead to the 7’th October.

Now, they need to pay for that. All of them, also the civil servants and the cultural minister that supported it.

And this is just a shout out to the current PM. I know there has been diferences, you helped shutting down the station, I stopped your international career.

If you want to go into this fight against the PET WITH me, you are welcome. You will be redeemed for your betrayal at the 7’th October. Otherwise you will be deemed responsible also.

You have been trying to push the PET before and you can do it again. I will make sure, that you can continue being a PM after I have destroyed the PET, if you want.

But this is my Yule message. Let’s gear up for a fight with the PET. They have to pay for the 7’th October and they need to be destroyed.

G-d bless the archangels, and may they support us in war. Let archangel Michael blow his silver horn, for a war between the sons of the light against the sons of darkness.

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