Ok, I have reflected a bit more on the whole Messianic issue.
Seriously. We need to understand what that role implies, in this world. I know, that we are in the middle of a war, and maybe I should have broken the issue after the war, but we need to be prepared for that outcome as well.
But let’s have a look at it.
The king of the Jews will be, in this day and age, a copy of the Danish queen.
The Danish queen does not meddle with the political life. She stays behind the castle walls, and appears once a year in a speech the people.
But, and this is very important, still is the head of the armed forces.
This again is important, to make sure, that the police and the military is uncorrupted and has the necessary support in terms of MORAL support. In Israel it is very much different, because we fight all the time. But in times of need, the king will appear, support the troops, and show that example of bravery and integrity.
At the same time, the king of the Jews is an international institution of peace.
It is the UN. The UN does not work anymore, so we need someone else to take care of the needs of nations around the world.
That is really the political point of the whole the Mosiach being a peace maker. We are supposed to, as per written by the prophets to be the nation, that knits together all the other nations. Effectively being the pedagogue in the kindergarten of Nations. Because, to be honest, it is very often a bit of a kindergarten. So someone needs to be the one to make sure everybody are happy, and fighting is kept to a minimum. In these days, where the internet knits the whole world together, and the nations therefor can communicate, we need that role to be present.
So I am that role, whether we like it or not.
But it is, by prophecy, supposed to be a part of Israel as an international peace keeping institution.
One more thing. The king is also the leader of the religious institutions of the Jews. That is not going to be easy, let me be honest about that. But, as I see it, we have an opportunity to progress Jewish theology a bit further. Solomon was famous for teaching with 3000 parabels. I have proven the existence of G-d. So, each king has his forces in terms of theology.
When we get to the balance between parliament and the royal house. Please remember, that I LIVE in a kingdom. The fairytale kingdom of Denmark. So I know how these things work. In Denmark, which is also a one chamber system, there is a sound and even respect between the royal house and the Folketinget. The Folketinget, which, by the way, was the template for the Knesset.
So, and this is very important to say out loud and clear, just as his majesty King Charles did at his coronation; I wholeheartedly support the democratic institutions. I have bled for democracy, and will still do that, over and over again. So off cause, I will not curb the powers of the political parties. I am a political philosopher, so I guess the parties of the Knesset can be inspired by my ideas, but I will NEVER meddle in the affairs of the Knesset. At times of national peril, as the 7´th of October, I will carry you, support you, make you whole. But I will 110% respect the democratic process.
My role, as a king is mainly symbolic, but a VERY powerful symbol of peace and my role is to support the Jewish people as well as the troops in all its facets.
G-d bless the will to find peace, at the end of this fight.