The last stand of Hamas

Ok, this is the situation. We are, slowly but progressively crawling down south. We are winning, albeit at a great cost in terms of men and infrastructure. Gaza is getting torn apart.

But, that is the way war is, unfortunately.

At the good side, the UN seems to be put out of commission, more or less. Giving me the role as a kind of negotiator.

I will do it, to the best of my ability.

First of all, I think we should treat the soldiers of Hamas better when they surrender. We should not humiliate them. That is not the way of a just war. So, when they put down their arms, they should be treated with the dignity you would show a serious opponent in war.

As Saladin did, and Cyrus the great.

When Alexander won over his foe Xerxes, he caught the family of Xerxes. When he caught the princesses, he treated them with dignity.

Valor in war is also treating your foes with the dignity they deserve.

I have been humiliated by the Danish system, but I do not hold thoughts of revenge and so on.

At the end of the day, our civility is what people will see.

Then there is the endgame. The endgame will be long, so we do not have to stress too much about that. The ideas as to work the peace, have, more or less settled in specific lines of thought, and as I can see it, we have the opportunity to make some kind of arrangement that makes us safe in the long run. But off cause this is a negotiation we have to take when it is all over.

Right now, we need to focus on the last stand of Hamas.

G-d bless the will to find some kind of more stable arrangement after this war.

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