
It has been hell, but we are getting there.

When we talk about how to move forward, as a nation. We HAVE to make it so, that our internal disagreements are minimized. How do we do that? We do it by making political solutions to the challenges that are presented to us.

Unity is about making sure, that the disagreements are within a scope that makes sense.

Often this craves new ideas, innovations in the political sphere and so on. Like my idea about repatriation of the Gazan Arabs. It’s innovative, and will actually solve the problem

Which means that I have to get closer and closer to Israel. I will, I have made a plan, with the newfound freedom, I am able to make money on my skills as an entrepreneur. Not be tackled by the PET all the time.

By slowly growing my network in Israel, I will be able to be a part of Israeli debate, slowly but surely.

G-d bless the unity of Israel. 🇮🇱

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