Well done Donald

You know Donald, you probably won’t hear this from many intellectuals, but here it goes. Well done with the border control, protection of young women and putting limits to migrants, who abuse the liberty they are given.

I grew up in a ghetto, and a lot of the young girls who were abused in Denmark, they were my friends. I am a dancer, so I know a lot of these young women from the dance troupe.

When I stood up for them, the really appreciated it. Also, the funny thing was, that, when I started talking about these things. Most migrant communities agreed. They ended up being my main supporters. It’s their young men who are doing the atrocities, and they need to tow them into line as well. Ok, there are the enemies, like islamists and the like, who use rape as a weapon. But apart from that, my main supporters have been the sound part of the migrants. Today still, the black communities are my go to community. They are my friends. They have problems bringing up their young, and we try to help.

This attitude is really baked into my ideas. I have really tried to make the tools precise and fair. We are talking about criminal behaviours, islamist affiliation and so on.

Yet, seriously Donald, having you as a protector is f… amazing. I wake up happy, for the first time since I don’t know when. It’s just amazing.

So, I have your back as well.

Btw. those airplane crashes could be enemy infiltration. I would probably take it really serious. If it is Al-queda like attacks, treat it as an attack on Americans. But make sure it is not false flag.

It’s a challenge, and should be dealt with accordingly.

G-d bless the will to make America more secure for young women. May we prevail.

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