Goodbye mr. President

Barack, this had been a looong fight. We did some good things, and we did some things, that did not work that good. But at least, we brought things forward, right?

For me it has been a tremendous honour to participate in some of the things we have been doing together. In fact, being friends with you, is the single most important thing in my life as an intellectual. It gave us a possibility to raise the flag, and fight for another day. For Democracy, for human rights, for freedom.

We will see what it will come to, but one thing i certain, we did it! United States of America is better off now, than it used to.

The legacy that we have built will be one of progress, of doing things better, of improving the outset of the great American nation.

Now comes mr. Trump. And honestly, I like him in the sense, that he may seem like a buffoon, but truly he is not that. He is as American as anyone else. He believes in the founding fathers as well.

Things will be different, but we need to hold on to Hope and Change, otherwise we will lose our faith.

I hope, that we can meet now Barack, now it would be possible perhaps.

But a part from that, well done mr. President. You brought honesty and moral compass to the presidency, that will set a standard for those who come after you.

G-d bless you, and your wonderful family, and I will, for one, truly miss you.

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