Mr. Cameron

I just realised, that mr. Cameron is leaving Downing street 10. That is a blow, and I did not see this coming. After all he has done what was good for Britain, turning the economy around, putting up barriers against uncontrolled migration, paving the way for two momentous elections.

I really think that it is a pity that he has to go, instead of staying and picking up the pieces.

You know, of cause mr. Cameron has campaigned for a stay, but he was the one who gave the opportunity at the first place. So he is really the one who served the people by giving them a voice.

Dont be so sorry David, you did the right thing, fighting for your shire. Dont be sad, you won as a moral character and a renewer.

What we need now is to reunite and find a way out, we all supported your way of doing things, and it with great sadness that we see you leave. I think I talk for all Conservatives when I say this.

May mr. Cameron find the path that he so chooses as his own, and may that path be blessed.

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